Sunday, 29 June 2008
Tuesday, 24 June 2008

I miss this drawing of mine. It was drawn during my best form back at 2006. I was totally immersed with my fiction that time - the Affections High: First Version where Katsuro, Hikari and Rei attend the Black Range Institution (BRI). Of course, I changed my storyboard after that.
And tell you what, I'd finished the first chapter of DoS! (Em, it's short for Days of Serenity)
Only after the series is completed I'll put the story online.
Ja mata~!
Sunday, 22 June 2008
The Blogg Post

You see the pic above?
Yeah, I know it. It's my beloved blog. Itself is already interesting to talk about. Oh, don't mind me, I'm just bored after all.
This 'blogg' was created last year, somewhere in the month of October (at least that's what I know) when I was so perplexed by events going around me. BUT, it was all thanks to my SE W850i for making it happening. I just can't resist the 'Blog this' button in the picture's Options.
Once in a while, this blog received some updates. Usually minor. Days went past and eventually New Year arrived. It was after several months (this month) I'd decided to give a personal touch to the site. And tada~! There it is, being renovated with every help I get from many sources.
But hey, that doesn't it'll stop just like that. There are some more plans to liven up my beloved 'blogg'.
For the goodness of this site.
Saturday, 21 June 2008
Mmm... Morning chocolate~
Dear blogg,
~I missed you~
Whatever. It's not like I can't see my blog in a few days. Anyways, let's take a look for the happenings today:
Early AM.
I've finished Myself; Yourself anime! *Sob* The ending was not very satisfying at all. I expect to see the ending with an impact, but no, it turned me down. Grr, the plotlines were very well-developed after all. I even prepared myself thoroughly to watch the last two episodes. *Sob*
This is when I *munch* and *bite* my C'dbury choc. Weird, I should have a proper breakfast. Hm~ Hm~ I'll add more after the day's over.
Mid-AM. (Continuation)
Ah, the pleasure of eating roti telur. Had two pieces just now. Got to watch Shounen Onmyouji.
PM. (Until now)
Ugh... The almost-nothing-to-do afternoon nearly killed me from boredom. Luckily the SO series accompanied me during the enduring moment. Guh, I wanted to play b-ball that afternoon but restricted due to strong gale. Evening came by slowly, I had an overload serving of rice on my plate. Yes, I'd finished it all, but it left me a 'weird-feeling' tummy, which I still have it now. Even a cup of milk can't neutralize it.
Yawn~ I'm tired from the boredom, so I'll end this now. By the way, the DoS (Days of Serenity) is completed about 74%. Must finish it tomorrow.
Note: Waj, I'm trying to find the Golden Boy manga. Added: Waj, are you sure you want that manga??? It's kinda weird for me, though...
~I missed you~
Whatever. It's not like I can't see my blog in a few days. Anyways, let's take a look for the happenings today:
Early AM.
I've finished Myself; Yourself anime! *Sob* The ending was not very satisfying at all. I expect to see the ending with an impact, but no, it turned me down. Grr, the plotlines were very well-developed after all. I even prepared myself thoroughly to watch the last two episodes. *Sob*
This is when I *munch* and *bite* my C'dbury choc. Weird, I should have a proper breakfast. Hm~ Hm~ I'll add more after the day's over.
Mid-AM. (Continuation)
Ah, the pleasure of eating roti telur. Had two pieces just now. Got to watch Shounen Onmyouji.
PM. (Until now)
Ugh... The almost-nothing-to-do afternoon nearly killed me from boredom. Luckily the SO series accompanied me during the enduring moment. Guh, I wanted to play b-ball that afternoon but restricted due to strong gale. Evening came by slowly, I had an overload serving of rice on my plate. Yes, I'd finished it all, but it left me a 'weird-feeling' tummy, which I still have it now. Even a cup of milk can't neutralize it.
Yawn~ I'm tired from the boredom, so I'll end this now. By the way, the DoS (Days of Serenity) is completed about 74%. Must finish it tomorrow.
Note: Waj, I'm trying to find the Golden Boy manga. Added: Waj, are you sure you want that manga??? It's kinda weird for me, though...
Thursday, 19 June 2008
Fresh and Tasty...
Ahh... Here I'm for a proper blog-typing. Recently there's so much happening around me. But hey, at least my blog gets a wicked Fresh and Tasty... renovation.
Holy yeah, I forgot to mention that I'm on holiday. Or did I already mention it last time?
This morning there was nothing worth of talking about. But to say at least, I downloaded a couple of Shounen Onmyouji episodes and a new anime to watch; Special A. Gosh, Hikari looks a lot cuter than she is in the manga.
Transition AM-PM.
This was the time I drooled over my father's PC. Nope, I didn't do that. I found myself customizing this blog template in such great details. This was all thanks to Amanda and her site for the great tutorials. Completed roughly around 4pm.
Late PM.
After I finished modding this blog, I was not surprised that my body need a good fresh air. So there I went cycling outside (after hassling and fighting with my bicycle's chains) and made a so-so discovery while I was adventuring.
I found a basketball court!
Therefore tomorrow morning I'll be off to test the court.
I'm waiting for my dinner to get cool, so I'll leave for now.
Itadakimasu~! *Munch*
Latest: ~Gochisosama deshita~! I had full serving today!
Holy yeah, I forgot to mention that I'm on holiday. Or did I already mention it last time?
This morning there was nothing worth of talking about. But to say at least, I downloaded a couple of Shounen Onmyouji episodes and a new anime to watch; Special A. Gosh, Hikari looks a lot cuter than she is in the manga.
Transition AM-PM.
This was the time I drooled over my father's PC. Nope, I didn't do that. I found myself customizing this blog template in such great details. This was all thanks to Amanda and her site for the great tutorials. Completed roughly around 4pm.
Late PM.
After I finished modding this blog, I was not surprised that my body need a good fresh air. So there I went cycling outside (after hassling and fighting with my bicycle's chains) and made a so-so discovery while I was adventuring.
I found a basketball court!
Therefore tomorrow morning I'll be off to test the court.
I'm waiting for my dinner to get cool, so I'll leave for now.
Itadakimasu~! *Munch*
Latest: ~Gochisosama deshita~! I had full serving today!
Hell yeah....
You see what? Customization?
That's right. I'd customized my blog to its unique level.
Not much to say, since I have other things to do. Bye.
That's right. I'd customized my blog to its unique level.
Not much to say, since I have other things to do. Bye.

Tuesday, 17 June 2008
Oww... Alright then, here are the today updates:
I've created an English blog which is named Da' English Blog. Link can be found on Faiz's Crazy Links! at the side-panels.
Also on the side-panels, there is an applet which contains files for you guys to download. Useful for those who wish to help me in developing the Affections High Multi-Series.
More will be coming soon.
Edit update: Look at the new box near the top!
I've created an English blog which is named Da' English Blog. Link can be found on Faiz's Crazy Links! at the side-panels.
Also on the side-panels, there is an applet which contains files for you guys to download. Useful for those who wish to help me in developing the Affections High Multi-Series.
More will be coming soon.
Edit update: Look at the new box near the top!

Monday, 16 June 2008
You see that height?

Yup, today I went to anonymous place - for the School Term Holidays Activities which is 'currently' being held there. I did 2 adventurous tasks there; rock-climbing and abseiling - the latter one is the most craziest thing I've done.
Rock-climbing: Pretty normal, faster than average climbing.
Abseiling: Aha, the craziest deed ever done. Usually, for the first-timers, they abseil down with the normal, sluggish method. But not for me, I abseil using the crazier (if not craziest) style available - the Spider method. You know, abseil down upside-down from the place in the picture. ~That's the way aha-aha I like it~
Say farewell, I have other things to do.
Yeah, Waj, I'll update the name list for the F.C.O.C. later.
Friday, 13 June 2008
Affections High: Days of Serenity - Daisuki~!
This post is about the 10 to 13 chapters fiction.
Nicholas Rhode - M
14; Student; Class 1-S; Kohaku Private High School
Kusanagi Natsuki - F
14; Student; Class 1-S; Kohaku Private High School
Yamagishi Qrousse - M
14; Student; Class 1-S; Kohaku Private High School
Kate Clarence - F
14; Student; Class 1-S; Kohaku Private High School
Eirene Hartnett - F
15; Student; Class 1-S; Kohaku Private High School
Sheronney Rhode - M
19; U. Student; Year 2; Central Island University
Fujiko Katherine - F
21; Teacher; - ; Kohaku Private High School
Seth Fontaine - M
36; Principal; - ; Kohaku Private High School
18th June 2008:- Started the first draft - named Memoir 1. Planning to finish it by this Saturday.
30th June 2008:- Whoopsie... I forgot to update this post. Memoir 1 had finished already, so currently I'm working on Memoir 2. That's all for today. I'll update more tomorrow.
6th July 2008:- Updated the list of characters.
Nicholas Rhode - M
14; Student; Class 1-S; Kohaku Private High School
Kusanagi Natsuki - F
14; Student; Class 1-S; Kohaku Private High School
Yamagishi Qrousse - M
14; Student; Class 1-S; Kohaku Private High School
Kate Clarence - F
14; Student; Class 1-S; Kohaku Private High School
Eirene Hartnett - F
15; Student; Class 1-S; Kohaku Private High School
Sheronney Rhode - M
19; U. Student; Year 2; Central Island University
Fujiko Katherine - F
21; Teacher; - ; Kohaku Private High School
Seth Fontaine - M
36; Principal; - ; Kohaku Private High School
18th June 2008:- Started the first draft - named Memoir 1. Planning to finish it by this Saturday.
30th June 2008:- Whoopsie... I forgot to update this post. Memoir 1 had finished already, so currently I'm working on Memoir 2. That's all for today. I'll update more tomorrow.
6th July 2008:- Updated the list of characters.
Days of Serenity

Affections High: Fantasi Craze Chronicles Online
This post gives information of the lengthy episodes of this story.
Name list:
Aone Arctine - M; 16
Rio Bevelgarde - F; 15
Maria Coté - F; 15
Mark Bevelgarde - M; 54
Adonis Darbinian - M; 18
Proposed names (waiting for further confirmation/edit):
Ruud van Nickelberg
Romeo Marlowe
Moby Dick
Suave Debonair
Second Earth
>Central Zone
--N Sector
---Enttr'ance Port (with Path)
--E Sector
---Enttr'ance Desert
--S Sector
---Enttr'ance River (found in Arid Region of Southern Zone)
--W Sector
---Enttr'ance Forest
--Central Sector
---Grieva Metropolis
>Northern Zone
--Wavi Sirus Se'asa (Sea separating Enttr'ance Path and Arti' Cirxa)
--Continent of Arti' Cirxa
---Cirxa Origin
----Fronta City
--Zunivcerza Island
---Mt. Afrza
>Eastern Zone
--Oases Linar (Boundary between Enttr'ance Desert and Resona Bay)
---Migrasis Town
--Resona Bay
---Mijora Village
---Mirva Islands
----Mirva City
--Resona Peninsula
>Southern Zone
--Arid Region (where Enttr'ance River lies)
--Snow Region
---1st District
----City of Shivus-Is'ca
---2nd District
----City of Shivus-Glacar
----Rio's hometown
--Forbidden Territory
>Western Zone
--Tiad-Oc'na (Ocean separating Enttr'ance Forest and Western Continent)
--Western Continent
Name list:
Aone Arctine - M; 16
Rio Bevelgarde - F; 15
Maria Coté - F; 15
Mark Bevelgarde - M; 54
Adonis Darbinian - M; 18
Proposed names (waiting for further confirmation/edit):
Ruud van Nickelberg
Romeo Marlowe
Moby Dick
Suave Debonair
Second Earth
>Central Zone
--N Sector
---Enttr'ance Port (with Path)
--E Sector
---Enttr'ance Desert
--S Sector
---Enttr'ance River (found in Arid Region of Southern Zone)
--W Sector
---Enttr'ance Forest
--Central Sector
---Grieva Metropolis
>Northern Zone
--Wavi Sirus Se'asa (Sea separating Enttr'ance Path and Arti' Cirxa)
--Continent of Arti' Cirxa
---Cirxa Origin
----Fronta City
--Zunivcerza Island
---Mt. Afrza
>Eastern Zone
--Oases Linar (Boundary between Enttr'ance Desert and Resona Bay)
---Migrasis Town
--Resona Bay
---Mijora Village
---Mirva Islands
----Mirva City
--Resona Peninsula
>Southern Zone
--Arid Region (where Enttr'ance River lies)
--Snow Region
---1st District
----City of Shivus-Is'ca
---2nd District
----City of Shivus-Glacar
----Rio's hometown
--Forbidden Territory
>Western Zone
--Tiad-Oc'na (Ocean separating Enttr'ance Forest and Western Continent)
--Western Continent
Affections High: Arc Series
This post talks about the three Arcs.
Shiraishi Katsuro - M - [Rank #1; Shirakaba Gakuen; Student - 4A]
15; fear of blood; Orenji Café - [Main Character]
Mizuki - F - [ - ; Shiroi Residence; Caretaker]
12; cat-girl - [Guardian]
Sekine Hikari - F - [Rank #1; Shirakaba Gakuen; Student - 4A]
14; childhood friend; Shiroi Dojo - [Classmate]
Fukumoto Sayuri - F - [Rank #3; Shirakaba Gakuen; Student - 4A]
15; best at cooking; infirmary - [Classmate]
Nagashima Asuka - F - [Rank #4; Shirakaba Gakuen; Student - 4A]
15; science researcher; infirmary - [Asagao no Senpai]
Heida Kasumi - F - [Rank #2; Shirakaba Gakuen; Student - 4A]
14; information gatherer; inventor - [Classmate]
Lauren Tsutsumi - F - [Rank #5; Shirakaba Gakuen; Student - 4A]
14; violin player; kunoichi of Tsutsumi-kazoku; - [Classmate]
Murakami Karen - F - [Rank #12; Shirakaba Gakuen; Student - 3A1]
13; shy; Shiroi Dojo - [Asagao no Kouhai]
Sasaki Natsuki - F - [Rank #14; Shirakaba Gakuen; Student - 3A1]
13; cheerful with Karen - [Asagao no Kouhai]
Hoshino Ai - F - [ - ; Shirakaba Gakuen; Principal]
21; Yukie's friend - [Principal]
Shiraishi Kirara - F - [Rank #10; Mizuiro Gakuen; Student - 2A1]
12; - [Imouto-chan]
Shiraishi Yukie - F - [ - ; Shiraishi no Taku; Housemistress]
31; originally one of the Seiiku-kazoku - [Ka-san]
Fukai Akane - F - [ Rank #7 ; Shiraishi no Taku; Housemaid - 4S]
16; Shiroi Mahoutsukai - [Ex-fiancée]
Hayakawa Kaede - F
Kurihara Rika - F
Tsuchiya Sakura - F
Shintani Takara - F
Sakurai Tsukiko - F
Fukuda Arisu - F
Yasuda Mai - F
Yoshimura Hou - M
Sakamoto Yuuka - F
Harukawa Hanuseki - M
Kikuchi Arashi - M
Kuroki Daisuke - M
Kimura Takeru - M
Shinoda Makoto - F
Hasegawa Karashi - M
Araki Mizumaru - M
Ichijouji Ren - M
Izumi Li - M
Kiyomizu Ryushin - M
Kawai Ran - F
Ikegami Haruka - F
Ichikawa Rei - F
Takeuchi Yamato - M
Lawrence Tsutsumi - M
Nakano Ken'ichi - M
Kawano Hideaki - M
Sekiguchi Haruki - M
Katou Minoru - M
Arai Toshiba - M
Shiraishi Kensuke - M
Kamihara Ryu - M
Masamune - M
Muramasa - M
6th July 2008 - Updated characters' list until Fukai Akane.
Shiraishi Katsuro - M - [Rank #1; Shirakaba Gakuen; Student - 4A]
15; fear of blood; Orenji Café - [Main Character]
Mizuki - F - [ - ; Shiroi Residence; Caretaker]
12; cat-girl - [Guardian]
Sekine Hikari - F - [Rank #1; Shirakaba Gakuen; Student - 4A]
14; childhood friend; Shiroi Dojo - [Classmate]
Fukumoto Sayuri - F - [Rank #3; Shirakaba Gakuen; Student - 4A]
15; best at cooking; infirmary - [Classmate]
Nagashima Asuka - F - [Rank #4; Shirakaba Gakuen; Student - 4A]
15; science researcher; infirmary - [Asagao no Senpai]
Heida Kasumi - F - [Rank #2; Shirakaba Gakuen; Student - 4A]
14; information gatherer; inventor - [Classmate]
Lauren Tsutsumi - F - [Rank #5; Shirakaba Gakuen; Student - 4A]
14; violin player; kunoichi of Tsutsumi-kazoku; - [Classmate]
Murakami Karen - F - [Rank #12; Shirakaba Gakuen; Student - 3A1]
13; shy; Shiroi Dojo - [Asagao no Kouhai]
Sasaki Natsuki - F - [Rank #14; Shirakaba Gakuen; Student - 3A1]
13; cheerful with Karen - [Asagao no Kouhai]
Hoshino Ai - F - [ - ; Shirakaba Gakuen; Principal]
21; Yukie's friend - [Principal]
Shiraishi Kirara - F - [Rank #10; Mizuiro Gakuen; Student - 2A1]
12; - [Imouto-chan]
Shiraishi Yukie - F - [ - ; Shiraishi no Taku; Housemistress]
31; originally one of the Seiiku-kazoku - [Ka-san]
Fukai Akane - F - [ Rank #7 ; Shiraishi no Taku; Housemaid - 4S]
16; Shiroi Mahoutsukai - [Ex-fiancée]
Hayakawa Kaede - F
Kurihara Rika - F
Tsuchiya Sakura - F
Shintani Takara - F
Sakurai Tsukiko - F
Fukuda Arisu - F
Yasuda Mai - F
Yoshimura Hou - M
Sakamoto Yuuka - F
Harukawa Hanuseki - M
Kikuchi Arashi - M
Kuroki Daisuke - M
Kimura Takeru - M
Shinoda Makoto - F
Hasegawa Karashi - M
Araki Mizumaru - M
Ichijouji Ren - M
Izumi Li - M
Kiyomizu Ryushin - M
Kawai Ran - F
Ikegami Haruka - F
Ichikawa Rei - F
Takeuchi Yamato - M
Lawrence Tsutsumi - M
Nakano Ken'ichi - M
Kawano Hideaki - M
Sekiguchi Haruki - M
Katou Minoru - M
Arai Toshiba - M
Shiraishi Kensuke - M
Kamihara Ryu - M
Masamune - M
Muramasa - M
6th July 2008 - Updated characters' list until Fukai Akane.
Arc Series

The Fiction Post
Hey there! I'm an early bird today. Watched two episodes of Myself; Yourself today. Right then, on with this post.
As you can see on the post's title, it is named 'The Fiction Post'. It's a post dedicated for my fiction purposes only, mainly updates. There might be another several posts under this one, though.
Just to review, here's the fictions:
Affections High: Arc Series
Affections High: Fantasi Craze Online Chronicles
Affections High: Days of Serenity - Daisuki~!
All of the above will have their own special post which will be updated once in every while, like this post.
Note: This post only have the summary for each of the special post.
As you can see on the post's title, it is named 'The Fiction Post'. It's a post dedicated for my fiction purposes only, mainly updates. There might be another several posts under this one, though.
Just to review, here's the fictions:
Affections High: Arc Series
Affections High: Fantasi Craze Online Chronicles
Affections High: Days of Serenity - Daisuki~!
All of the above will have their own special post which will be updated once in every while, like this post.
Note: This post only have the summary for each of the special post.
Thursday, 12 June 2008
Chess Opening and glasses

Hello there, sorry for the wait~ Yesterday I got into a situation where I had to end my day late (of course, today's different) and slept late, so there's no post for the day yesterday. Done here, let's go for the entry!
Early AM.
Damn, I slept in till 4am today, so no Myself; Yourself for me today... T_T But I got myself another anime to watch - Spice and Wolf. Great animation.
School hours.
Lemme check. Hmm... So far there's nothing special today; normal English class, Bio practical, scratchin'-head Geo and nearly-snoozed Physics.
Beaten Swee P.D. in chess.
Rest of the day.
Afternoon: sleep
Evening: watched Shounen Onmyoji
Night: downloading SO
Right now: typing and listening to music (duh, what else can I do right now?)
I guess these'll cover all today's topics. And one more:
Unmiraculously, I forgot.
'Night~! *Yawn*
Today's song: Waltz by Suneohair
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
The 'Bear'

Evening~! I'm here again. Hehe... Let's get straight to the point:
Early AM.
Uhh... I woke up again very early this morning. Watched the 3rd episode of Myself;Youself. Geez... The main character is sure dense. How come he didn't realise his friend's feelings? *Sigh*
School hours.
Nothing extraordinary today, except - WE WERE GIVEN a somewhat tedious WORK FOR US TO DO FOR THE REST OF OUR LIF- I mean SCHOOL YEAR! And I don't seem can do all of them. *Sigh* I guess I have to believe in myself to do them.
Beaten Ray for the first time in chess. *Hurray*
The rest of the day.
I'd completed Vol. 4 of Shinshi Doumei Cross and Vol. 3 of Special A today. So there will be plans to download the other volumes and chapter in the next few days.
Fiction updates: I thought of creating another story with very structures. It'll be around 10 to 13 chapters. Short-span is the key here. It's about the life of Nicholas Rhode and his annoying brother who lived in Japan (don't know of exact area yet) as transfer students. Yes, it'll revolve around school-life/romance themes. Let me remind myself of the stories I've been involved with:-
Affections High: Arc Series - The Romance of Schools and Swords
Affections High: Fantasi Craze Online Chronicles
Affections High: Days of Serenity - Daisuki~!
I think that's all for today. Oyasumi nasai~!
Today's song: CRESCENDO by Stella Quintet.
Monday, 9 June 2008
The 'Sworl'

Hola~! Hmm... Some sort of frequent comeback, am I? Hehe, something made me want to do a proper 'blogpost'. Well, being as straight as possible, here's the day:
Early AM.
God. I woke up very early today. I think it was around 3am. No, I'm not into Euro, sorry. You see, I woke up that early only to watch my 'soon-to-be' favourite anime - Myself;Yourself. Bought it myself for only 12 golds. Maybe planning to watch it again *early* in the morning.
School AM.
Chemistry class - a hell lot of craziness my friends and I have. (Thanks a lot Sir Junai!) We have smoke and fire in the class today. *WE PLAY WITH dangerous CHEMICALS* Pour 9mol of HCl on the hand. Burn 'still-wearing' shoes with ethanol. That's what we did today.
The rest of school hours were pretty normal.
Evening PM.
Uhh... I have tuition class as usual. There's one thing that made me ponder; who's that girl that attended the our class?
No, it's not what you think. It's *different*.
No-! The time - I have to go to sleep now! Wait for me, my anime~!
Today's song: Tears Infection by KAORI
Sunday, 8 June 2008
Blogg Renovation!
Ah, the scent of my renovated blog...
Please feel free to meddle with anything you see on this blog.
Please feel free to meddle with anything you see on this blog.

Friday, 6 June 2008
Boo ya!
Yayayayay! I'm updating my blogg!
*Glances left and right*
Uhh... Still no one notices my blogg... But oh well, it's not like my blog is VERY alive.
As you can see on the side panels, there are few added blog widgets. And yeah on top, my manga list link. I love to keep track of my manga.
I think that's all for now. Still have work to do.
Oyasumi nasai~
*Glances left and right*
Uhh... Still no one notices my blogg... But oh well, it's not like my blog is VERY alive.
As you can see on the side panels, there are few added blog widgets. And yeah on top, my manga list link. I love to keep track of my manga.
I think that's all for now. Still have work to do.
Oyasumi nasai~

Sunday, 1 June 2008
Cup of milk and 1st June

Crap! Holy crap! My life's schedule is scattered!
*Running in circles like crazy*
#1 I got my PS2 back.
#2 My home's 'wireless-ing', which means...
#3 I downloaded too many manga! Which one to read?!
And of course:
#4 I'm having 'O' LEVEL THIS YEAR! ARRGH!!!
Please, I beg your mercy, don't add more interests in my life than they already are!

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