Yup, today I went to anonymous place - for the School Term Holidays Activities which is 'currently' being held there. I did 2 adventurous tasks there; rock-climbing and abseiling - the latter one is the most craziest thing I've done.
Rock-climbing: Pretty normal, faster than average climbing.
Abseiling: Aha, the craziest deed ever done. Usually, for the first-timers, they abseil down with the normal, sluggish method. But not for me, I abseil using the crazier (if not craziest) style available - the Spider method. You know, abseil down upside-down from the place in the picture. ~That's the way aha-aha I like it~
Say farewell, I have other things to do.
Yeah, Waj, I'll update the name list for the F.C.O.C. later.
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