Hola~! Hmm... Some sort of frequent comeback, am I? Hehe, something made me want to do a proper 'blogpost'. Well, being as straight as possible, here's the day:
Early AM.
God. I woke up very early today. I think it was around 3am. No, I'm not into Euro, sorry. You see, I woke up that early only to watch my 'soon-to-be' favourite anime - Myself;Yourself. Bought it myself for only 12 golds. Maybe planning to watch it again *early* in the morning.
School AM.
Chemistry class - a hell lot of craziness my friends and I have. (Thanks a lot Sir Junai!) We have smoke and fire in the class today. *WE PLAY WITH dangerous CHEMICALS* Pour 9mol of HCl on the hand. Burn 'still-wearing' shoes with ethanol. That's what we did today.
The rest of school hours were pretty normal.
Evening PM.
Uhh... I have tuition class as usual. There's one thing that made me ponder; who's that girl that attended the our class?
No, it's not what you think. It's *different*.
No-! The time - I have to go to sleep now! Wait for me, my anime~!
Today's song: Tears Infection by KAORI
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