Thursday, 19 February 2009

So much that I forget 2009!

Yeah, just laugh with me. How can I be careless about my precious 'blogg'?


I'm just trying to say that it's okay to leave certain things once in a while.

Why? Because...

'Absence makes heart grows fonder.'

And true it is... 'Cause I miss my blog very much! (Yeah, yeah, I'm saying this to raise my self-confidence. Poor me...)

That aside, there's something more important:

I'm pretty very much bored because there's no school.

Yeah, I am.

In fact I honestly want to go to school very badly - to study, of course. Lying around on my bed for nearly 3 months doesn't help to improve myself. Only if I had abundance of money...

Below are some pics:

When my hair was long... (Notice the collar)

The 'Cat' *Cuddles*

So much of my stupidity.

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