Yay, few more hours till the [END OF 'O' LEVEL EXAMS]! And I want to celebrate after that!
DON' DREAM YET! There're still two papers left! :p
I still can't sleep... -_-'
Affections High's main characters pairings! (Yeah, I know I'm bored right now...)
Arc Series: Katsuro & Hikari
Fantasi Craze Online Chronicles: Aone & Rio
Days of Serenity: Nicholas & Natsuki
Next Arc (2nd season of Arc Series): Katsuro & Shiori (Eepp...! :x Two-timers!?)
Shuffle // A D D I C T E D: Faiz & Nur (Don't get the wrong idea... I used my name there because I want to feel that character since I shuffle too)
Negai; Fai to Kagura: (Obviously) Fai & Kagura
Note(s) on 'Negai; Fai to Kagura':
This is my new fiction project - translated as 'Wish; Fai and Kagura'. It is a romance story with the involvement of supernatural elements - such as vampires. The story revolves on the life of a young male, Fai, who has lost sight of his family when they are on vacation in the foreign city of Tokyo, Japan. Wandering around cluelessly in the city, he then encounters Kagura, a well-known singer whom Fai admires. However, there is a catch; upon their fateful meeting, Fai learns that his favourite artist is not a true human at all, but rather a being with abilities of vampire - except that she doesn't crave for blood.
Now I want to sleep~ Oyasumi nasai!
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